I'm a final-year PhD candidate working at the intersection of causal inference and machine learning. My research focuses on developing robust, interpretable systems that can reason about cause and effect in complex environments.



Stanford University

Ph.D. in Computer Science

Advisor: Prof. Sarah Johnson


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics

Thesis: Algorithmic Approaches to Causal Discovery


Scalable Causal Discovery in High-Dimensional Time Series

NeurIPS 2024

🏆 Best Paper Award

Scalable Causal Discovery in High-Dimensional Time Series

Jane Smith, Sarah Johnson, Yue Zhang

Using causal discovery to find the causal structure of high-dimensional time series data.

ICML 2023

Robust Causal Discovery Under Distribution Shift

Jane Smith, Xue Chen, Sarah Johnson


Summer 2023

Research Intern DeepMind

Advisor: Peter Wang

Developed novel algorithms for causal structure learning in reinforcement learning settings

Summer 2022

Research Intern Google Research

Manager: Elise Brown

Worked on improving robustness of large language models to distribution shifts


Causal Discovery Framework

Causal Discovery Framework


A framework for discovering causal relationships in high-dimensional time series data using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.