FRC 2016 Peace Walker

>> FRC

2016 was my last robotics season. I was the Team Leader this year, which meant that alongside making sure that we had a competitive robot, I had to worry about a lot of other things like team culture, inclusiveness, outreach, student outcome, logistics, and dealing with team politics. This was an inevitable part of a student-led team comprised of 40+ students and 15+ adult volunteers.

This year was definitely the most stressful for me, but I had fun nonetheless.

Our robot in action.
It reminded me of an insect.
I had designed a new part management system for the season.
These were the blueprints of my machining endeavours.
Our intake system, inspired by Team 67's 2012 utility arm.
I always had a lot of aluminum tubes in my trunk
My friend Tzeyee posing in front of our pit.
I got a tad nostalgic at my last competition.