FRC 2014

>> FRC

2014 was a transition year. Our team prior to 2014 barely used CAD, and I got accepted as the CAD/Design Lead just because nobody else knew how to use SolidWorks.

Needless to say, it was a bumpy year for me. I didn't have any mentors or upperclassmen who I could learn from, so I had to do a lot of researching and struggling on my own to learn and design a whole 120 pound robot all by myself.

I wanted to powdercoat the robot, but we didn't have any money or sponsors at this point.
It felt satisfying to finally see a finished robot after a bumpy season.
This was the 3rd ever drivebase that I designed.
We barely had a drawing template at this point, and part management was all manual.
We made our own custom wheels to make tread replacement easier.
I made blown up diagrams of assemblies to make it easier for inexperienced students to assemble the robot.